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Hirondelle News Agency - Tansania

Die Agence Hirondelle News hat über den gesamten Prozess des TPIR (Internationaler Strafgerichtshof für Ruanda) in Arusha in Tansania von 1997 bis 2012 berichtet. Von seiner Gründung im Jahr 1997 bis zur Schliessung im Dezember 2012 hat Hirondelle News mehr als 16‘000 Agenturmeldungen erstellt, die das Gedenken dieser Justiz- und Versöhnungsaufgabe darstellen. Die Agenturmeldungen und Archive sind weiterhin auf der Website der Agentur verfügbar. Seitdem erfolgt die Berichterstattung der Stiftung Hirondelle über die Übergangsjustiz auf

The Hirondelle News Agency was created in 1997 to report on the judicial follow-up to the 1994 Rwandan genocide. It covered all the trials of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR). It allowed the population of the African Great Lakes region to follow the cases as they were proceeding, especially as its news articles were republished by local media. Based in Arusha, Tanzania, within the ICTR building, it was the only permanent news agency that followed court trials every day in the Tribunal's courtrooms. It covered the ICTR’s work in 4 languages: English, French, Swahili, and Kinyarwanda (the Rwandan language).

The Agency’s team of journalists also covered trials in progress in Rwanda, with a correspondent in Kigali. Our journalists followed the Gacaca village courts (set up to try perpetrators and executors of the genocide in Rwanda) until they officially closed in June 2010.

The Agency also had specialized correspondents who covered the judicial activities related to the Rwandan genocide in Paris, Brussels, The Hague, and Montreal. In total, the ICTR issued verdicts on 63 accused, of whom 8 were acquitted. The Gacaca judged about 1,200,000 people.

At the beginning of 2011, the Hirondelle News Agency began to cover the work of the International Criminal Court, particularly in connection with the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Central African Republic and Sudan. By partnering with the Fondation Hirondelle’s radios in these three countries, the Agency’s work gained wide access to the general public.

In July 2010, the United Nations Security Council extended the activities of the ICTR until December 31, 2012, when the Hirondelle News Agency closed its doors in Arusha. Fondation Hirondelle has expanded its coverage of international justice, transitional justice and reconciliation processes in societies trying to emerge from conflicts by developing the website launched in 2015.